Recognized for its top achievements in advertising, The One Club for Creativity is a non-profit organization that supports creativity worldwide. Mancini Duffy’s layout for the Club’s new headquarters, one of three the company has designed for the organization, creates two distinct spaces: one is public-facing and the other is support.
The public-facing area is infused with audio visual technology, transforming the office environment into a gallery for invited-guest presentations. Complementing the dual nature of the space, the café bar serves as a gathering place for staff as well as an open bar for guests at gallery events.
The staff-occupied support area features three types of work environments: custom plywood semi-private workstations, glass and metal storefront private offices, and open office benching. Reinforcing the health-centered goals of the workplace, an area is also designated for staff members to store their bikes.
Photography by Joan Tsen.