Liam Maxson

Architectural Designer

Where were you born?

Saint James, NY

Where is your favorite travel destination?

I love the history, culture, and food of Paris! – but traveling anywhere is always fun

What’s something you’d still love to learn?

I’d love to learn about how design can become a continued process throughout a projects conception and beyond.

What do you hope to see in the future in the world of architecture and design?

I’d love for more dynamic architecture in the future. People and how they occupy spaces are constantly changing- how can architecture become more adaptable?

When did you know you wanted to be an architect/designer?

As a kid I was always playing with blocks, legos, and drawing so something like architecture naturally appealed to me. I was doing school assignments on architecture even back in elementary school – It was something I had always wanted to do.

What is something you collect?

Bowties – I have one for almost every occasion imaginable…

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Life is all about managing expectations – most of all your own.

What is your favorite hobby?

I love photography and gaming – it’s hard to choose between them!

Who inspires you the most in your field?

Renzo Piano has always been my favorite architect with his attention to detail, lighting, and tectonic credibility- it’s great working right by one of his best works!

Do you have any hidden talents?

I’m not quite sure one can consider this a talent, but I can make/have a playlist for every genre, vibe, or occasion imaginable.

Any other interesting fact about you?

I won a North-East Regional Irish step dancing competition when I was 5.