NYPH Endoscopy Suite

New York, NY
NYPH Endoscopy Suite Design

We were asked to demo NYPH existing pediatrics cath labs to create a new endoscopy Suite. The space consists of approximately 4,900 square feet divided into two main parts – the first includes a reception and play/wait area designed to accommodate children and adults in a comfortable environment, three exam rooms and a five-bed prep/recovery room. The second part contains two procedure rooms that are designed to facilitate fluoroscopy procedures as well as endoscopies and bronchoscopies. Scope decontamination facilities and support spaces adjoin the procedure rooms. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection services are being upgraded and renovated as part of the work.

The NYPH Endoscopy Suite is designed to create a sophisticated yet playful environment for children, where their parents can be with them as much as possible both before and after their procedures. Incandescent lighting – on walls as well as ceilings – is used wherever possible to create a warmer residential feel to avoid harsh fluorescent lighting. Patient and parent have control of the lighting at their recovery bed, above which hangs a translucent ceiling panel with a photographic image selected to entertain and distract a child after coming out of anesthesia.

The Laura Rothenberg Bronchoscopy & NYPH Endoscopy Suite project was completed in conjunction with Dattner Architects.