Lauren Imperatore
Project Accountant ManagerWhen did you first know you wanted to be an accountant?
Around the age of 16, I realized “things” needed to be in order. I’m also very frugal, so this is the best field for someone like me. So far, it’s been a perfect fit.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I learned how to whistle in the fifth grade. It started out as a quiet whistle while I was goofing around the playground, but has since turned into this intensely loud sound. I’m always asked to whistle to get the attention of a room or from someone far away, but what I like best about it is whistling at any sporting or school event that has to do with my daughter or nephews—they always know it’s me!
What’s the best thing about working at Mancini?
Here, we can work remotely if we need to. I love working from anywhere. Technology has come a long way and it’s great to be able to collaborate with both offices, it feels like I’m there!
What’s one accomplishment you’re most proud of?
Raising my daughter as a single parent after her father died when she was very young. It was an incredibly difficult time but we had each other to lean on, it’s what got us through. Heather is now 27 and we’re incredibly close–in fact, we both work for Mancini!
What’s the one app you absolutely can’t live without?
WAZE helps me get absolutely everywhere!
What is one piece of technology you wish existed today but doesn’t?
Something auto-related that can get the slow drivers out of the fast lane on the highway! I’m thinking a button that releases a big boxing glove…