Mancini CFO Speaks About Empowerment in the Design Industry
As Chief Financial Officer, Bolanle Williams-Olley takes point on Mancini’s financial success. She works closely with our project managers and as part of the Leadership Team to everyone understand what Mancini’s numbers mean and how to plan for a future inclusive of financial success. Beyond her work, Bola passionately leads the She Builds Waves collective that is aimed toward women who seek to challenge the status quo of the design community, supporting them in their efforts which make waves throughout the industry.
On May 21, 2019, Bola joined a diverse group of industry leaders at the WIELD (Women Inspiring Emerging Leaders in Design) Spring Event in Washington, DC, to share her story about overcoming obstacles, navigating the relationships that have made a difference in her career, self-empowerment, and resilience in the industry. The TEDx-style talk was intended to help emerging professionals connect their passions with different specializations to find their fit within the various design professions.
Additionally, the editors of Madame Architect recently interviewed Bola to share her impactful story in the design industry. During the interview, Bola put into perspective the importance of finance in architecture, to discuss her myriad personal pursuits atop her career, and to break down the power relationships can have on a career.
Bola’s future speaking engagements include She Builds Waves’ second Quarterly Conversation on June 27, 2019, and the 2019 AIA Women’s Leadership Summit on September 14, 2019.